holi-daily survival

SELF-care is not selfish… and as my grandmother once told me “Health is your wealth” so make conscious decisions on what you need to improve your quality of life. When you show up for yourself you show up for others. Balance & moderation is key.

The Holiday season is always a busy time, life in general can get very busy & overwhelming at times. Getting organized with your work, family, & play calendar is your first step. Make time for yourself to meditate, unwind, & journal, looking inward to what is serving you and what is not. Create boundaries, simplify and don’t feel bad if you need to eliminate relationships or say no to others. Take care of YOU.

Back to the Holiday season and new year wishes…I am a fan of gift giving experiences or that one tangible item that shows up without forcing it for that special someone in your life. How many of you know that person who always is giving of themselves, does everything for everyone else, thinks its too vain to treat themselves to a facial, waxing or beauty enhancement, that doesn’t have the time or money to spend on a massage or wellness plan? Giving a gift of a holistic wellness & beauty consultation is absolutely free when you book a facial or massage at PURE no matter when. For just $75 you can gift yourself or a loved one or even ask for a gift of a 45 minute facial or massage and derive a plan with your practitioner that suits your lifestyle & budget to embark on your beauty & wellness journey today. Wakeup everyday as the best version of yourself. This is the perfect introduction to get started & get enlightened. LIVING WELL around the holidays and on the daily is the goal.


Skincare 101